March Newsletter

March 2014 Issue

Screen Shot 2014-03-02 at 1.17.25 PMSPRING IS ALMOST HERE!I don’t know about you, but I love this time of year. Everything starts blooming and it seems like we all get a fresh start. The weather improves and as someone who lives in the Lower Mainland, I think it’s great how happy everyone seems to be on a sunny day.So, what should you do to get out there and get a nice gulp of fresh air? Here are some suggestions:
  1. Seawall at Stanley Park – rent a bike or roller blades for under $20 and do the loop around the Seawall. It’s a breathtaking ride.
  2. Hike at Golden Ears
  3. Visit Lynn Canyon and Deep Cove for a nice brisk walk
  4. Enjoy the River Market in New Westminster and walk along the river
  5. Throw a frisbee at Crescent Beach
We live in a beautiful part of the world, go out and enjoy it!

Screen Shot 2014-03-02 at 1.30.39 PMSPRING CLEANING TIPS
If you are like me, Spring is a time to de-clutter and get back to the basics. It is surprising how every year I realize I have accumulated more stuff, and it is time to make sure I keep things simple! So here are some tips on how to sort:
  1. Organize your closets – this is the first step to feeling like you can tackle the rest of your home. Purchase the correct containers to fit into your closets and make sure that everything has a defined space. If it doesn’t, then maybe you don’t need it!
  2. Go through your medications and your fridge – throw out anything that is expired. No need to keep those things taking up space in your cabinets and fridge.
  3. If you haven’t used it in the past year, do you need it? Whatever “it” is, make sure you aren’t holding onto things that will just collect dust in a corner.
  4. Do one room at a time – if you try to do the whole house, nothing feels like it ever gets done.
  5. Make a list of repairs that need to be done through the Spring/Summer season and decide whether you will be doing them or hiring someone out. Set a timeline for when they will get done.
Happy Spring Cleaning!

MARKET WATCHmarket_watch_Port_Moody_Condos_January
For more detailed information, click here for the Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board monthly report.