- Cooling temperatures slow above ground growth and moist soil encourages strong root development. Remove spent stems, dead branches and heavy leaf cover to protect your plants.
- If you have rainfall pooling on your grass, it is time to aerate so that nutrients can reach the roots of your grass.
- Cut back on fertilizer so that your perennials don’t waste energy on leaf production.
- Disease has a harder time developing on shorter grass. Make sure your last cut of the season is extra short.

- What am I doing now that I want to be doing in five years?
- What are my priorities now and do I want them to be the same in five years?
- What will seems like just a bump in the road that is a big deal now?
- What are some changes I want to see in my life five years from today?
- Can I start making those changes now?
1379 Laurier Ave, Port Coquitlam
Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014
Poco Rec Complex, Port Coquitlam
Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014
1300 David Ave, Port Moody
Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014